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How to Convince People to Use Your CRM

The reason many CRM systems and projects fail is because of poor user adoption.

Whos using your CRM?

Ask yourself, right now, who is actually using your CRM?

Are you confident in your answer?

Your users will fall in to one of these categories:

CRM Promoters: They love the system, their data entry is great, they generate their own reports, they push the system to do more for them, and they’re advocates for the CRM across the business

CRM Passives: They are happy to use the system to get their job done. They see it as more of a good thing than a bad thing

CRM Detractors: They hate the system, they don’t see its point, and see it as a burden and a distraction. They spread their infectious negativity across the business – bad news

If you’ve got too many detractors or passives, then you likely have a growing user adoption problem.

The impact?

Your business growth plans are at risk.

Poor user adoption means poor data. Poor data is useless for quick and effective decision making. Poor data causes all sorts of problems across different parts of your business.

What can you do about it?

Role based training, specific to a user’s needs, will help improve CRM user adoption.

But how do you identify who needs that all important training?

  • Often you run reports that tell you simple things like:
  • when someone last logged into CRM,
  • the number of records each user created,
  • the number of records each user modified within the last 7 days
  • …and so on.

This is fine for some purposes, but is too high level in this case.

What you really need is… Dynamics 365 Usage Statistics

Dataverse Analytics

This dashboard shows you at-a-glance:

  • The trend of active users over time
  • Your top users across the system
  • The level of usage of data entry forms, dashboards or reports
  • Which areas of your system are the most used e.g. leads, accounts, contacts or opportunities

Armed with this information you can determine:

  1. Who needs training and support
  2. Which areas of the system are underused
  3. How long these problems have been going on for and the speed at which you need to act

These dashboards can be customised and provide powerful information about your CRM, only a couple of clicks away.

Now, all you need is Microsoft Dynamics 365 to enjoy this level of insight. The good news is it’s more accessible than ever before, and can increase your chances of growing your business.

If you want to learn more then please contact us.

📆 Last update: September 5, 2024

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