UK Dynamics 365 & PowerApps partner

Where is Our Dynamics Data Stored? 

Microsoft offers cloud storage that you can trust

Some businesses ask where their data will be stored with a CRM system. This is an important question when considering a cloud-based solution, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Now, there are a couple of ways that data storage can be implemented. Two of the most common methods are using either Microsoft’s online servers or a hosted version. The hosted version is an onsite version that could be on your own servers, on your premises or on a hosted private data cloud. If that’s the case, then you likely understand your own infrastructure and where your data is stored, or you may have IT support or an IT MSP that works with these onsite or virtual servers.

Within Microsoft’s Azure online services, data for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 is stored in two data centres in the UK. One is in Durham and one in London. These data centres are dedicated to Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365. Now, this can be complex. For example, if data needs to be backed up with the help of technical support, it may need to go offshore to the US or Europe. Microsoft has data protection in place to make sure that, if this is necessary, your data is handled appropriately. But generally, the UK data centres in Durham and London take care of Microsoft online products, and with our data stored in those data centres, we have confidence in our data storage.

One of the benefits of these data centres is that when data is stored at rest (i.e. not being used), your data is encrypted. Any data for transactions are also encrypted. If anyone ever accessed these data centres, you will know that your data is safe because it’s encrypted, even at rest. As soon as you start to interact with the data, your data is also encrypted between the machine and database, meaning that it is encrypted in transit as well.

Your data will be secure as possible when using online systems. With Microsoft-backed technology and infrastructure, you can be sure that your data will be protected with robust and rigorous data storage to ensure security.

📆 Last update: January 11, 2023

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