UK Dynamics 365 & PowerApps partner

What CRM Training do you Provide? 

Getting the right training for you is crucial. Off the shelf training just isn’t good enough.

Many customers ask us about the training we provide for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The level of training we provide varies, depending on:

  • Your organisation needs
  • Number of users
  • System complexity
  • How much configuration is in place

We may also ask about other factors, such as your team locations. Do you have a local team? A remote team? Do you have teams based across the UK, or around the world? Each of these different teams and the people within them are going to have different skills. Within each of those teams, people will require different levels of training, from entry-level to advanced.

Training Needs Analysis

When considering these factors for training your business on a new system, we utilise a TNA, or Training Needs Analysis. We break down each component of the system, using a matrix to identify the different ways that people will interact with the system. Then we input the types of roles and activities that people will do. We include a section for noting what each role will need from the new system. Now, we may find that several roles overlap and can be grouped into similar training sessions. However, other roles may require different courses because of the distinct ways that they will use the system on a day-to-day basis.

Our Training

Conducting a Training Needs Analysis informs us about what kind of courses we need to build. Then, we will actually hold the courses, typically in a face-to-face environment so that we best benefit your people. We also offer other training styles, as well, such as webinars. These can be designed as one-to-many or one-to-one training, depending on the need and level of technical work expected. Typically, the administration of the system requires a one-to-one training, and Microsoft also offers a standard training course as part of the user package.

We deliver Microsoft-approved courses in each of the following areas:

  • Sales
  • Service
  • Field service
  • Project service automation

The training depends on your user base, how much CRM you will use, and your business requirements. The key is that you and your teams feel 100% confident in using the system, so that you can start using your new CRM effectively, right after implementation.

📆 Last update: August 9, 2024

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