If you add your product catalogue to Dynamics Sales, your sales team can use it add products to opportunities and orders.
Before you list your products in Dynamics, you’ll need to consider
- In what quantities do you sell (weight, number, pallet etc) These are Units in Dynamics
- Do you pair up products? These are Product Bundles in Dynamics
- Is there a hierarchy of products? This is called Product Families in Dynamics
- How do you price your products in different situations? These are Price Lists in Dynamics
These instructions are for users who are using the Sales Hub app. Please take a look at Microsoft’s Learn pages for people using Sales Professional
Set up your product units
Before you add products, think about the quantities or measurements you sell your products in.
First, set up a Unit Group
Choose App Settings > Unit Groups > then New from the command bar

- Add a name which covers the types of products you’re adding
- Type a Primary unit which is the lowest unit measure you’ll sell these products in (this could be piece (i.e one unit) or a box or a weight).
- You can add other units later
Add units to a unit group
- From the Related menu, choose Units
- Select +New Unit
- In the Quick Create: Unit pop out
- Type a meaningful name (i.e carton)
- Type a quantity
- Choose a base unit
The example shows what you’d type if you sell products in boxes of 100 pieces

How to set up products
In Dynamics, products can either be physical items or services.
To create a new product:
- Choose App Settings > Families and Products > then Add Product from the command bar

Start by completing these fields and then Save
- Enter the Name of the product.
- Enter a product ID.
- Select a Unit Group
- Default Unit – Choose the most common unit in which the product will be sold in
- If you can divide the product into fractions, enter a number between 0 and 5 in to the Decimals Supported field
After you’ve saved the product, you can add to these optional fields
- Valid to / from – you can choose when a product is live on your system
- Choose a Default Price List see the price list section for more
- Select a parent if you are using Product Families
When you’ve finished adding the product, finalise it by clicking Publish on the command bar
Set up Product Families
You can set up product families to help keep your collections of products organised.
A product family defines a parent and child relationship. You can create multiple levels of parents and children to help describe how you categorise your products.

- Choose App Settings > Families and Products > then Add Family from the command bar
Adding a product parent is similar to adding a product.
When you’ve finished adding a family, finalise it by clicking Publish on the command bar
Microsoft has some useful information about changing the parent of a product
How to set up Price Lists for products
To set up a simple currency price for a product

- Choose App Settings > Price Lists > then +New from the command bar
To create the price list, complete the Name, Start / End Date and Currency fields
Press Save
Next select the Price List Items tab
- Select the Product you’re adding the price for
- Choose the Unit your adding the price for
- Add a currency
- Choose a Discount List (optional) – we’ll explain discounts in our second blog in this series
- Use the Quantity Selling box to show whether you can order in fractions or not
Then in the Pricing Information tag
- From the Pricing Method field, choose Currency Amount
- This lets you specify a simple currency amount for a product. The other options allow you to adjust the price from its base. We’ll discuss these options in a later blog post
- Add the price in the Amount field
- Percentage and Rounding Policy are used when you selected a Pricing method other than currency amount
How do I update product information in bulk in Dynamics 365 Sales?
Bulk Edit Button:
- Navigate to the area where the products you want to edit are listed.
- Use filters, views, or search to display the products you want to update.
- Select the checkboxes next to the products you want to edit.
- Click the Edit button in the command bar.
- A new overlay will appear where you can update the fields with the new information.
- Once you’ve made all the necessary edits, click Save
Edit in Excel Online:
- Navigate to the area that contains the products you want to edit.
- Use views or filters to display the specific products you want to update.
- In the command bar, click the dropdown beside Export to Excel and choose Open in Excel Online.
- Dynamics 365 will generate an Excel Online spreadsheet containing your chosen products.
- Make your edits to the data in Excel Online and when you’ve finished, press Save.
- In the Data Submitted dialogue, click Track Progress to ensure the changes have been applied
How can I track inventory levels for products in Dynamics 365 Sales?
Tracking inventory levels in Dynamics 365 Sales involves several steps to make sure you have real-time visibility and accurate data.
- Use the Product Catalogue:
- Ensure all your products are listed in the product catalogue with accurate details, including stock levels and locations.
- Enable Inventory Management:
- Dynamics 365 Sales integrates with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management for advanced inventory tracking. Make sure this integration is set up to use full inventory management capabilities.
- Real-Time Inventory Visibility:
- Use the inventory dashboard to get a real-time view of your stock levels. This dashboard provides insights into current inventory, stock movements, and alerts for low stock.
- Inventory Adjustments:
- Regularly update your inventory records to reflect any changes. This includes adjustments for received goods, returns, and damaged items. You can do this through the inventory adjustment feature.
- Cycle Counting:
- Implement cycle counting to periodically verify inventory levels. This helps in maintaining accuracy without the need for a full inventory count.
- Automated Replenishment:
- Set up automated replenishment rules to ensure you never run out of stock. Dynamics 365 can automatically generate purchase orders when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold.
- Inventory Reports:
- Generate detailed inventory reports to analyse stock levels, turnover rates, and other key metrics. These reports help in making informed decisions about inventory management.
Learn Dynamics Sales
This post is page of our series to help you understand CRM better
You can browse each lesson here, or follow the course in our recommended order below
- Charts 101
- Charts… just the way you want them
- Views and Personal Views… build your own ad-hoc reports
- Charts – Pesky Secondary Y-Axis not wanted…
- Dashboards – View Records to explode into chart and view mode
- Dynamics 365 – Open Recordset = Fast navigation of lists
- Recent and Pinned… a reminder of these helpful features
- Advanced List Filtering – Child records, AND and OR
- Record statuses, why they’re important and how best to use them
- Hierarchical data e.g. HQ plus branches…and more
- How to search for records using advanced filters
- Bulk Edit
- Merging Records – keeping on top of data quality
- Oops, cleared a lookup field by mistake? Here’s what to do
- Marketing Lists and Quick Campaigns – Part 1 Marketing Lists
- Marketing Lists and Campaigns – Part 2 Email Templates and Quick Campaigns
- Dynamics 365 – Creating/Modifying System Views
- Remove Unimportant Emails From Dynamics – CRM Tidy
- Using Focused View in Dynamics 365 Sales
- How to add Products in Dynamics 365
- How to Manage Products in Dynamics 365