Are you facing any Dynamics 365 data security challenges? Is your security model too complex?
Why is Dynamics security important?
- So users can’t inadvertently access sensitive data
- Users aren’t denied access to records
How does Dynamics Security work?
- Dynamic divides organisations into business units and teams, which users belong to.
- Dynamics comes with a set of security roles which consist of a collection of privileges. These privileges are applied to users and teams. Privileges often represent a job title, like Salesperson
- Additionally access can be limited by specific record, or by fields in a record
The model allows great flexibility for large organisations, but for smaller ones, can feel a little overwhelming.
With a mix of users, security roles, teams, business units and field security it is difficult to maintain good security management.

Sometimes the pressure is on to provide access to a screen, field or feature to a specific security role. Have you evaluated the impact this has on other users with that role? Perhaps you have inadvertently created a security loophole in Dynamics 365?
For instance, do you know with confidence which of your users can export contact and account data from CRM to Excel? Do you know whether they can do this for just their own records, the business unit, or the whole organisation?
How we can help with your role based security management
We can undertake a review of the security roles in your organisation and generate a gap analysis to bring your Dynamics 365 security structure back in line with your business needs.
We will also review with you other potential security management areas covering mobile and device management, and effective information security.
The next steps to securing Dynamics 365
If you want to audit and secure your CRM environment, please contact us for further details.
Want to discuss Dynamics 365 security?
Eight short guides to help you improve Dynamics 365
- Build better workflows and processes
- Create meaningful, actionable reports
- Get smart with automated emails
- Create a easy to use and centralised document store
- Discover trends and unearth previously hidden data
- Manage users and security better
- Teach you how to manage your CRM in-house
- Provide expert support